英式椰棗布丁佐太妃醬及鹹焦糖脆片 Sticky toffee pudding with toffee sauce and salted caramel tuile (English version s

(Photo from Wix)
在美式英文中「布丁」是個簡單的名詞—也就是一種以蛋黃、糖和牛奶製成,類似果凍的半凝固點心。但是英式英文中的「布丁」就比較棘手了…記得兩年前初訪蘇格蘭,其著名的菜餚—血腸,原文便叫Black Pudding;之後拜訪B的家人、我們在聖誕節的時候烤了約克夏布丁Yorkshire Pudding;不久前我又看了好幾季的英國影集「唐頓莊園」,發現原來所有的甜點都叫「布丁」…Would you like some pudding?(要不要來點甜點?)
Ⅰ 泛指甜點、主餐後吃的甜食。
如 Rice pudding 米布丁;What's for pudding?甜點吃什麼?
Ⅱ 美語中,一種質感輕柔濃滑的甜點。
如 Custard Pudding
Ⅲ 用牛/豬板油及麵粉為材料,蒸製而成、或甜或鹹的菜餚。
如 Steak and Kidney Pudding 牛肉、腎臟布丁(肉派)
Ⅳ 以羊/豬的內臟,填入穀麥、香料及更多肉再用水烹煮。
如 Blood Pudding 血腸、Haggis羊肉雜碎布丁(肉餡羊肚、哈吉斯)
然而,最早的「布丁」其實是道鹹食,Pudding這個字起源於拉丁文的 Botellus,也就是香腸(法文的香腸 Boudin 也是同一個字根)。據傳,公元前一世紀時羅馬人將「香腸」帶進英國,之後,時間推異、四季更迭,人們又逐漸發展出各式不同的菜餚,因此才有了現在這些佳餚。
Ⅰ 填覆在內臟中再水煮
如 Blood Pudding 血腸、Haggis羊肉雜碎布丁(肉餡羊肚、哈吉斯)
Ⅱ 在盆子中蒸烤的鹹點
如 Minted Lamb pudding 薄荷羊肉布丁、Pork and Apple Pudding 豬肉蘋果布丁
Ⅲ 在盆子中蒸烤的甜點
如 Christmas 聖誕布丁、Sticky Toffee Pudding 椰棗布丁
而今天我們要做的便是—Sticky Toffee Pudding 椰棗布丁蛋糕,小編記得較早期的食譜也翻譯成「黏太妃焦糖布丁」。椰棗布丁蛋糕的來源故事有很多,較常聽見的是在英國湖區(Lake District )發展出的點心,因為當地冷冽的氣候,這溫熱甜膩的甜點讓人舒心;但也有人堅信她來自更北方的愛伯丁郡(Aberdeenshire)、蘇格蘭。
小編第一次吃椰棗布丁,也就是下圖左下角那塊小小的蛋糕,是在劍橋(Cambridge)旁的小城市—Ely的孔雀茶房(Peacocks tea room)。自己愚鈍,當時只覺得被騙了!太妃焦糖布丁聽起來就是…很濃郁的統一布丁…但這甜點吃起來像台灣的黑糖粿!這次和B一起做才恍然大悟!而傳統的椰棗布丁,可以單獨淋上溫熱濃郁的太妃焦糖醬,或是搭配鮮奶油、冰涼的冰淇淋。孔雀茶房的椰棗布丁,則是搭配濃厚的凝脂奶油(Clotted cream),好喫!

1、142g(5 oz)白砂糖、56g(2 oz)室溫無鹽奶油、2顆全蛋
2、170g(6 oz)自發麵粉
3、284ml 水、170g(6 oz)椰棗、1茶匙小蘇打粉
85g 黑糖
125ml 鮮奶油
30g 奶油
1茶匙 肉桂粉 (可加可不加)
1、50g 全蛋、50g 白砂糖
2、35g 自發麵粉、35g 杏仁粉
3、25g 融化無鹽奶油
***1x8 inch cake tin, 180 degree C (Gas mark 6)
Sticky toffee pudding
1) 142g (5 oz) caster sugar, 56g (2 oz) softened butter, 2 whole eggs
2) 170g (6 oz) self-raising flour
3) 284ml water, 170g (6 oz) dates, 1tsp Bicarbonate
Toffee sauce
85g Brown sugar
125ml Double cream
30g Butter
1tsp cinnamon powder (optional)
Salted caramel tuile
1) 50g whole egg, 50g caster sugar
2) 35g self-raising flour, 35g almond powder
3) 25g melted butter
4) As needed brown sugar (preferably golden caster sugar), salt
Sticky toffee pudding
First, weigh out your butter (for the sticky toffee pudding) and allow it to reach room temperature as it's easier to work with. Prepare the baking tin or baking tray you are going to use for baking by buttering and flouring it and also, preheat your oven at 180 degrees c (gas mark 6).
In a mixing bowl add your softened butter and sugar together, beat using a hand whisk or wooden spoon until it is light and fluffy, then, slowly add the 2 whole eggs, followed by the sifted self-raising flour.
***Break and whisk your eggs in advance just a little so that the yolk and white combine, which can then be incorporated with the batter easier.
***As we are making a smaller cake in this recipe, we mix the eggs and flour with the batter separately with no problem at all. Yet, the best way to make a batter is to mix the wet and dry ingredients into the batter in turns by batches. For example, add in 1/5 of the eggs mixture at a time and followed by 1 spoonful of flour, repeat the process until the batter is smoothly combined. This prevent the batter from splitting caused by the high moisture content in the wet ingredients.
***When combining the mixture, as it is a dense batter, using a wooden spoon will be easier to work with. And don't work with the flour too much as we don't want any gluten develops in our cake!
Cut the dates in small pieces and add in water, bring the mixture to boil over medium low heat, give it a stir from time to time. Once the dates are soft enough to be mashed using the back of your spoon, it's ready. Off heat, add in the bicarbonate immediately, the mixture will start to froth, which is perfectly normal as this helps the batter to be lighter. Stir for 2 seconds and then add to your mixture using a spoon to fold the liquid and the mixture together.
***We personally recommend dry dates as it gives a deeper flavour, colour and its easier to handle, to weigh, and to deseed. (normally only fresh dates have seeds)
***Stir the dates mixture with the bicarbonate for a few time just to make sure the liquid can fully react with the bicarb.
Pour the finished batter into the buttered, floured mold and bake it at 180 degree C (gas mark 6) for 30 to 35 minutes depending on the depth of your baking tin and the difference of your ovens temperature at home.
***To make sure it's ready, just use a table knife, insert it into the centre of your cake as long as it goes in and out smoothly without any excess batter, it's ready. Also, do not worry if it seems a little sticky because that is exactly how you want it.
Remove it from the cake tin, put it on the cooler rack to let it cool naturally. served when it's warm.
***As you can see in the video we used a removable, loose base cake tin, which makes it lot more easier to demold the cake without breaking it. If you don't have this type of cake tin, just let the cake cool down naturally in the bakeware before demolding it. Yet, no matter what utensil you are using, make sure it is buttered and floured.
***A traditional sticky toffee pudding is cooked by steam however this method tastes wonderful too!
***The cake can be reheated, it tastes even BETTER.
Toffee sauce
Add the cream, brown sugar, butter and cinnamon powder in a pot over medium low heat, until the mixture starts to boil, gently mix it until it becomes homogeneous. Cook and stir constantly and let the sauce simmer for awhile until the sauce can generously coat the spoon, it is ready. Lid on, off heat and leave it somewhere warm or just on the hob. Reheat it before serving.
***The best way to cook a caramel sauce is to make a caramel with the sugar and butter first, then in goes your cream and cook it until the coating consistency. This method prevents the cream from splitting and gives you a stable, good quality caramel sauce.
***In this recipe, be very careful as we are using brown sugar, which means the colour is deeper so be aware do not burn the caramel. Also, a sauce pan/ pot with thick bottom prevents the caramel from burning too quickly.
Salted caramel tuile
Make a sabayon by mixing the egg and sugar in a mixing bowl over bain-marie (water-bath). It is ready when you can draw an "8" without breaking the trace with it.
***A sabayon in short is actually a fluffy whipped eggs mixture, it is originally an Italian dessert, made with egg yolks, sugar and wine or champagne; In french cuisine, it can be used as a sauce to flavour fish or shellfish, in this case, no sugar involved in the recipe. Here, we are using a basic sabayon made with whole egg and sugar to make our tuile batter
***When making a sabayon, you don't need to whisk it like you're whipping egg white, just whisk it constantly, non-stop, and be very careful with the side, as the steam from the water bath can be really hot, be sure not to burn the eggs, we don't want scrambled eggs!
***The reason why we are using bain-marie, or so-called water bath is to give a gentle heat source, as eggs can be cooked really quickly in a short amount of time, yet, we need to cook the mixture really slowly to obtain the silky texture, thus, instead of a direct heat from your stove, use the warm steam from the hot water, but, make sure the mixing bowl does not attach to the water directly.
***To ensure you get a good sabayon, remove the mixing bowl from the heat from time to time and stir it constantly, in case it gets too hot and you end up have a bowl of scrambled eggs.
Once you have your sabayon, fold in the sifted self-raising flour and almond powder.
***In the video we used self-raising flour, in result we have some biscuit-like crisps; however, if you prefer some really thin tuile then use plain flour instead.
Followed by melted butter. Pour the batter into a tray lined with silicone paper, spread it as thin as possible, then sprinkle the golden caster sugar and salt onto the batter. Bake the sheet at 180 degree C (gas mark 6) for 5 min.
Cut the tuile or shape it when it's still warm.
→ Place the entire warm cake on the cake stand or portion it, pour the glossy rich caramel sauce onto it and garnish it with crispy tuile and any other desired fruits or candies as you like. Bon appétit!